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Usage Policies

Circulation Procedures:

The library at the York Academy Upper School is open from 7:45 am til 4:00 pm every day that York Academy schools are in session. Students may check out books before classes, during study hall, during lunch, after school, or any other time during the day with a purple hall pass from their teacher. The library is also open on Tuesdays until 5:00 while coding club takes place. 


At the York Academy Upper School circulation desk, books or items from the York Academy collection may be signed out with the help of a staff member. All books are checked out for a three week period. All other items (headphones, laptop chargers, whiteboard markers, etc.) are checked out for the school day and must be returned before the library closes on that day. Books may be checked out from other libraries in the York County Library System and delivered to York Academy Upper School at no cost to the students and staff members here. 


Lost Item Policy

For books and technology, fines will never be assessed for overdue status. The students will, however, be charged the full replacement value for lost or irreparably damaged items belonging to the York Academy before the end of the school year. With books, a notice will be placed on the student's account notifying other librarians in the York County Library System that the student is unable to checkout materials until the book is returned or paid for.

Return Policy

Technology must be returned to the Upper School Library at York Academy, but books may be returned to any library in the York County Library System without fine. If a student returns a book to the York Academy library that belongs to another library in York County that is overdue, it will be the responsibility of the student to visit the home library of the book to paid the due. The York Academy Upper School Library will not collect fines due to other libraries.  

Usage Policies: Academics
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